
Four Port fixed UHF RFID Reader

  • Decathlon's net interest rate is so low, why still use RFID?

    Jan 05, 2024
    Today, when consumption is downgraded, it is not only Pinduoduo, but also Decathlon. People no longer only pursue the halo that celebrity endorsements bring to sports brands, but pay more attention to the cost-effectiveness of brand products, and are willing to spontaneously advertise brands on social media after experiencing high cost-effectiveness products.     Behind the high cost performance ratio is Decathlon's ultimate control of cost. Decathlon has paid attention to standardization and modularization in the product design stage. By using standardized parts and modular design, the demand for customized and special parts can be reduced, thus improving production efficiency and reducing production costs; In addition, Decathlon controls costs from the source, optimizes the procurement process, selects suppliers with cost advantages and establishes long-term cooperation with them. Meanwhile, through centralized procurement and batch procurement, procurement costs can be reduced. Decathlon adopts the heavy asset business model, and maintains its own production plant, logistics base and design and research team. This full chain asset self-control model is conducive to reducing the costs of each link and improving overall efficiency. Compared with other brands, Decathlon adopts a strict inventory control strategy and a real-time inventory management mode to accurately track the sales of each product and avoid inventory backlog and waste. Reduce inventory costs through reasonable inventory planning and control.   It is worth mentioning that Decathlon also strictly controls the advertising expenses. We have hardly seen any advertising by Decathlon, because Decathlon has strict regulations that the annual advertising expenses cannot exceed 1% of the turnover.     Through these methods, Decathlon has reduced the cost of goods. Not only that, they have also adopted a pricing strategy that benefits consumers. According to the financial report disclosed by Decathlon in 2023, their net interest rate in 2023 is only 6.5%, far lower than other peers.   Such a "stingy" company actually began to use RFID to manage their products ten years ago. We should know that the price of RFID UHF passive tags ten years ago was more than twice the current price. Many businesses complain that the cost of using RFID is too high, but why does Decathlon, which pays most attention to cost, still use it on a large scale?   Judging whether the cost of using RFID is expensive or not depends on its value.   Let's take several main roles played by RFID in Decathlon as examples to see why RFID is worth it.   1. Reduce labor costs   The high efficiency of UHF tags can help businesses save labor costs in two aspects. The first is in the warehousing process, whether it is inventory counting in transit or in store warehouses. Without RFID tags, it will consume a lot of manpower and is prone to errors. However, adopting UHF RFID tags only requires a small number of people to achieve rapid inventory.   According to Bernard MAUGEIN, vice president of Decathlon China and director of retail operations, Decathlon used to spend more than 140000 hours on manual inventory every year, with an average accuracy rate of 86% -90%. Now for a 4000 square meter mall, it takes only 1.5 hours to complete the inventory with RFID inventory machine, and the accuracy is 99.2%.   The second step is the checkout process. In traditional stores, each store requires someone to be stationed at the checkout counter for settlement. The number of people varies depending on the size of the store and customer flow. After using UHF RFID, consumers can achieve self-service checkout.   2. Accelerate supply chain turnover efficiency and reduce product loss   Decathlon's supply chain is all over the world and belongs to FMCG, which consumes a lot. The use of UHF RFID tags can help enterprises to visualize the supply chain and speed up the inventory efficiency. Moreover, according to Bernard MAUGEIN, vice president of Decathlon China and director of retail operations, RFID helped Decathlon reduce the loss rate of goods by 9%.   3. Quickly obtain consumer shopping feedback and expand the profit of a single best-selling category   RFID UHF passive paper sticker tags can achieve the visualization of sales data, allowing manufacturers to make quick decisions based on market preferences, invest more resources in producing products that consumers love, and enable manufacturers to achieve flexible production. Moreover, through clothing networking, they can recommend products that consumers like or match better, further stimulating consumer demand.   In fact, part of Decathlon's sales source is to replace other brands. For example, a brand has a popular style of shock jacket, but consumers feel that the price is too high, they will turn to Decathlon to find the same type, and Decathlon will immediately arrange the production and transportation of goods according to the feedback, so that the goods will not be sold out. In this way, it can expand the profits of single hot selling categories. Decathlon China's vice president of retail operations director said that RFID helped Decathlon achieve 5% sales growth.   Any RFID UHF passive and 2.45GHz active products interest, pls visit our official website: www.rsrfid3d.com
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  • RFID reader: An essential artifact in industrial production lines?

    Nov 10, 2023
    RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) readers are indeed essential artifacts in industrial production lines. RFID technology offers a practical and efficient way to automatically identify and track objects or assets throughout the manufacturing process.        RFID UHF or 2.45GHz readers are used to read the data stored in RFID passive and active tags, which are attached to the objects being tracked. These readers transmit radio waves to communicate with the tags and receive the data encoded within them. The data can include unique identification numbers, product information, manufacturing dates, and other relevant details. In an industrial production line, RFID readers play several important roles:   Process Monitoring and Control: RFID long range readers can be used to monitor and control various aspects of the production process. By placing RFID fixed readers at key checkpoints or workstations, manufacturers can capture real-time data about the status, progress, or deviations in the production line. This enables proactive monitoring, exception handling, and process optimization to ensure smooth operations and maintain optimal efficiency.   Increased Efficiency: RFID UHF multi antennas readers enable automation and real-time data capture, which enhances production line efficiency. By wirelessly scanning RFID passive tags attached to products, components, or materials, the reader can quickly and accurately identify and track items throughout the production process. This eliminates the need for manual scanning or barcode reading, reducing time-consuming tasks and improving overall productivity.   Inventory Management: RFID handheld / fixed readers enable real-time inventory management by quickly and accurately identifying tagged items. As products or components move through the production line, RFID fixed readers can automatically track their location, quantity, and status. This helps optimize inventory levels, prevent stockouts, and streamline supply chain operations.   Process Automation: RFID multi ports readers facilitate process automation by triggering predefined actions based on tag readings. For example, when a product with an RFID UHF EPC Gen2 tag is detected by a reader at a particular production station, it can automatically initiate the next manufacturing step or activate specific machinery or equipment. This reduces the need for manual intervention, speeds up production, and improves overall efficiency.   Quality Control and Traceability: RFID fixed readers contribute to quality control efforts by capturing data about individual products or components. By reading the RFID passive tags, manufacturers can access information about the item's origin, manufacturing parameters, and quality metrics. This allows for real-time quality checks, defect detection, and traceability throughout the production line, ensuring compliance with standards and facilitating product recalls if necessary.   Asset Tracking: RFID fixed or handheld readers help track and manage valuable assets, tools, or equipment used in the production process. By attaching RFID tags to these assets, manufacturers can monitor their location, movement, and utilization. RFID UHF fixed readers and antennas placed strategically at various points in the production line can provide visibility into asset availability, prevent loss or theft, and optimize asset allocation.   Overall, RFID readers are essential artifacts in industrial production lines due to their ability to automate data capture, enable traceability, improve quality control, streamline inventory management, and provide real-time process monitoring. They contribute to operational efficiency, data accuracy, and compliance in manufacturing environments.
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